Montag, 19. November 2012


After about 2 month we have to take a test about all we've done till this time which is called midterm. The tests are on 2 days. First and second period was on Thursday and third and fourth period was on Friday. You don't have a midterm in every class... For example in Dance I didn't have a real midterm... She put our performance grade in for our midterm... And in Orchestra we hadn't a midterm either. I had two midterms(one in art and one in algebra). They were both multiple choice and easy. They are about 15% of our first quarter grade... I hope I did well but it doesn't really matter cause I wouldn't fail any of my classes when I would have failed my midterm... And on Friday I came to school at 9:45am cause we only had 3rd&4th period and our orchestra teacher told us we don't have to come to her class:) So I had hot chocolate and a cranberry thing from Starbucks for breakfast:D I loved it! 

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