Well, I decided to continue my blog:) I haven't written anything for a moth so yeah the last month was pretty busy! I participated in the school musical and had loads of rehearsals. The musical we did is called "Annie get your gun" and the basic plot is a manly girl meets a arrogant guy, wins a shooting match against him, is in love with him and joins his tour(he is part of a show company), they fall in love while she becomes more girly to become the type of girl he likes, they fight when Annie makes a spectacular trick and he(Frank) is scared to loose his job in the show... They join two different companies, see each other happily again, fight again, shoot against each other again and Frank almost wins because Annie uses a manipulated gun because she realizes that it is more important to her to get back together with Frank than to win the shooting match... They sing a romantic song together and boom happy-ending:D
Joa I was in the orchestra pit so I never saw the whole show but they did not have to many problems:) one evening the mikes did not work well for the first hour and another time the actors had something weird in their face which was never fixed and I have no clue what it was... But everything was really professional! They had so many lights and the singers: just awesome! I loved it! Even if we had 4 hours rehearsal after school on somedays it did not bather me cause I just love musicals and each time we had a rehearsal I saw something new:D the music was about 110 pages long:D so no-one expected the orchestra pit to be perfect;)
Well participating in a almost professional musical was a thing a really wanted to do even if i have not done it in the way people would expect one to do: on stage. Orchestra pit was pretty awesome! It must have been more than awesome to be a main character on stage!;D
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