Sonntag, 21. Oktober 2012


The whole school was decorated with things like that:) It was really awesome! The walls of the cafeteria hallway were black and everywhere was written something against farmers or cheer stuff:D 

We won and keep the axe for another year:) A big surprise!


Once during art class someone stole someone elses iPhone and first no-one knew who has this iPhone. By the way it was an iPhone five! A week later a police man came in during class and took a boy away. I hadn't seen it, but the girl next to me told me later. It was the boy who stole the iPhone. I guess they found him because of the tracking sensor in all new iPhone 5. So never steel an iPhone:D I was very mad I haven't seen the police man coming in:( I wish I wasn't as focused on my vase! I am not sure what happen to the boy... A girl told me he is probably not allowed to go to school for 1-2 weeks (many people probably wonder why he don't have to go to school for some days. You would probably like to have "holidays":D) and community service(Sozialstunden). And I have to tell you I was shocked when I first heard about the stolen iPhone 5... 

Texas road house

I love Texas road house! I went there twice and it was soo good! Die Brötchen mit soner mega leckeren Kreme, der Salat und die Steaks*__*! also wenn ihr jemals nach Texas fliegen/fahren solltet: Geht im Texas road house essen! 

Dance #2: After Party

Last weekend was another "dance" from church which theme was "after party". It was with some other groups together, pretty good and a lot of fun. The music was like it would have been in Germany:D It was very good and I knew more people than last time:)

Plant sale

We have several fundraisings for orchestra. We sell plants, pecans, butter braid and have already sold donuts. One Saturday I helped at the plant sale. It was ok. Most time we hadn't any costumers and so I watered plants from time to time. Our job was pretty easy. We only had to take the plants to the customer's car and write down what they sold:) In Germany we would never sell plants on grass in front of a school:D
The second time I was there it was sooooo boring! During the last hour we had zero costumers and no-one was there I really talk to... At the beginning it was fun because we were eight people and watched the band practicing. And when I can tell you one thing: When you wanna do an exchange year in the US... Don't play in band! When you play in band you have no free time. Band during school, band after school, band on saturdays! So that would be the last thing I would do! Orchestra is only during school and sometimes when we have a fundraising, but you don't have to come to every fundraising!:) 

Football games

I already went to two football games. We lost both very high! At the first one it was very cold! I went with many people who had never seen a high school football game before(and they are Americans!), so we tried to understand the rules. Football games are ok but not my favorite. Soccer games are so much better! In football games there are so many short breaks and you are sometimes not able to see the ball. But it is really fun when someone grabs the ball and run to score point and everyone cheers:D I was shocked when I realized that there is a boy playing with a broken arm!:O That is really stupid! 
During football games you can talk a lot and have a lot of fun. They are usually 2 1/2 to 3 hours. So really long! So but I met a lot of people who didn't to go to football games. With one girl I plan to go to a soccer game and I found out that our basketball team was very good the last two years: State Champions! Two times! That's really awesome!!!:D And I guess our band is the best in Texas too:)

a "real" concert

My first real concert was this Tuesday. We played only 2 pieces but they were good. Our director was disappointed but doesn't matter. She said: "You played ok..." The concert was together with the concert- and philharmonic orchestra. Concert is the worst orchestra, philharmonic the orchestra between symphonic and concert and symphonic the best orchestra. You can also say freshman-, junior varsity- and varsity orchestra:) before we began to play, Alexandra's bridge fell over... She sits next to me and I only heard a big "craack". I was shocked when I saw what happend but our director and Alex were relaxed. Our director told a story about her experience when her bridge fell and said she pulled the mute too hard... (mute=Dämpfer) I hope this will never happen to me! I was shocked enough after I opened my violin case after I arrived when I realized that my bridge and the little wooden thing inside my violin wasn't fixed any longer! After five days someone fixed it for $22 or something like this. Also alles halb so wild:D 
Alexandra played with a violin from a junior varsity player and everything was fine! Her violin is already fixed and it is only a crazy memory right now:)

Samstag, 6. Oktober 2012

Tests and quizzes

I wrote 3 test and a lot of quizzes. 1 test in art and 2 tests in math. I think I failed the art test because one page was perfect and the other one was totally wrong:D ok but it's not such a big problem. In math I wrote a test during my fourth day in school. It was not failed:) the other test was better than the first and it's not very difficult because now we do many things I've already done in Germany. We write many quizzes in math and they are all multiple choice:) Der Untericht ist ziemlich anders, weil wir nie irgendwas zusammen besprechen, sondern sie das nur so einmal unserer Tischgruppe erzählt wie was geht und dann können wir sie einzelnt fragen, wenn wir mit irgendwas Probleme haben. Im Lösungsbuch können wir nachgucken, ob unsere Lösung richtig ist. 

Orchestra trip

Vor ein paar Wochen haven wir mit dem Orchester in einem Altenheim gespielt. Nur so voll einfache Stücke aber war trotzdem gut. Danach haben wir Essen bekommen: Sandwiches, Käsekuchen, Erdbeeren, Melone und Weintrauben. Also nicht so ungesund:D War auf jeden Fall mal ne gute Erfahrung!


I don't have to went to church with my family, but I do it. My family is Mormon. Das ist christlich und eher evangelisch als katholisch. Da gibt es irgendwie nicht so wirklich einen Pastor und statt des Pastors halten immer so drei Mitglieder per Gottesdienst eine Rede und am Anfang und am Ende des Gottesdienstes geht immer einer nach vorne und betet. Zwischendrin gibt es dann sowas wie ein Abendmahl, wo so jüngere Jungs mit Wasser und Brot rumgehen, was vorher von jugendlichen Jungs gesegnet wurde und das Wasser soll das Blut Jesu darstellen... Natürlich hat jeder Gottesdienst immer ein Thema, wie z.B. Services(Ich glaube das ist sowas wie, dass man anderen helfen soll) oder besuche den Temple(ein temple ist in Dallas und keine Ahnung wieso man da hingehen muss...) . Pro Gottesdienst singen wir dann so 3-4 Lieder und meine Gastmom meinte das sind Lieder die alle Christen singen... 
Nach dem Gottesdienst ist dann immer eine halbe Stunde bible study. Da sind wir dann immer so 5-9 Mädels und ein "Lehrer". Da machen die dann halt so das was wir im Reli-Untericht machen, aber das wird halt nicht bewertet und naja schreiben müssen die auch nichts und die arbeiten halt nur mit der Bibel. Da verstehe ich meistens nicht worum es geht, aber naja iwann werde ich's vermutlich verstehen:D danach ist immer so ne Viertelstunde Young Women Meeting. Da üben wir manchnal ieinen Song und ein paar Mädels halten Reden von ca 10 Sätzen. Danach ist nochmal eine lesson, wo wir aber weniger mit der Bibel arbeiten und ich folglich deutlich mehr verstehe. In einer Stunde haben wir zum Beispiel über gesunde Ernährung gesprochen. Das ist eigentlich immer voll ok was wir da machen:) Danach ist dann Ende und alle gehen nach Hause sich umziehen:D, weil die Männer alle in Anzug in die Kirche kommen und Frauen müssen Rock oder Kleid anziehen, selbst die kleinsten Kinder! Danach ziehen wir uns Jogginghosen an:D Oki also alle Mädels in der Kirche sind auf jeden Fall total nett und wir hatten schon loads of fun during building a playground and playing stupid games with waterballons and Oreos:D

YFU Meeting

On saturday was the YFU-Meeting from my area. I was glad to see some girls I already knew from my fly. We tried to talk English and it was pretty weird when you talked to a person in English you've already talked to in German. Often we got back to German and when a not German person came we tried to speak English again. There were lots of German and Japanese exchange students but also some from Denmark, Hungary and other countries. The meeting was with our host parents and after a great introduction from a German boy who was on exchange some years ago, we were separated. All students went with Gay and Patricia in an other room. There we talked about our experience in America what we don't like, what we like and what we don't understand. Some things were like: "I don't like Dr Pepper" or "I don't like AC" but there were serious things too. Later there were a man and a woman talking about sexual amuse. Many topics we already talked about at our meeting in Germany. Later we presented our "what we like, what we don't like, what we don't understand sheet" to the host parents and they presented theirs. On their sheet were written things like: "we don't understand why you say yes when you don't understand" and "we like to see you laughing". This part was pretty good! During our meeting we ate sandwiches and chips and other staff. It was fun to talk to all the other exchange student and we had loads of fun. 


I love Skittels! Die Packung habe ich bekommen als ich mein Zwischenzeugnis unterschrieben zurück gebracht habe:D
                                                         Dallas down town

                                                     Frankfurt von oben:)

Funny cat:D

Mein Willkommensschild am Flughafen:D
London von oben:-)

Donnerstag, 4. Oktober 2012


Finished my awesome painting after 4 art periods and 6 hours at home...